
Let UN send a fact-finding mission to Indian Occupied Kashmir

Indian atrocities in Occupied Kashmir have broken all past records.  Starting with the martyrdom of a freedom fighter Burhan Wani in Early July, the Indian occupation forces and the police have killed more than 100 Kashmiris and wounded hundreds of others in Firing and Tear gassing on unarmed mobs who come out in the streets to protest. In the capital Srinagar and other areas the Indian police have rendered many youngsters partially or even fully blind by small pallets being fired by them to disperse the protestors. But the angry, though unarmed crowds continue to protest against the brutalities of the Indian Police and military. The protesters set fire to three police station s and two government  buildings recently.
The  Indian occupation forces have unleashed a reign of Terror in the entire valley to suppress the mass uprising with could aptly be described as the Kashmir Intefada.  The current protest in a totally local phenomenon, and extension of the struggle started by the Kashmiri people form 1989 onwards to through off the Indian yoke, after being completely disillusioned from the United Nations. According to authentic reports  more than 100,000 people have been killed in the occupied state in the last 27 years.
The Indian government while carrying on armed suppression of the Kashmiri people has shut down all their contacts with the outside world. No international teams or human rights observers are allowed in the  in the occupied state while to mislead the world, Indian has resorted to its old ruse describing the protestors as terrorists infiltrated from outside and blaming Pakistan for it.
Just before the start of the United Nations General Assembly session this month, India in an apparent effort to misleads the world yet again raised the bogey of cross border terrorism by Pakistan in the Kashmir to explain away the incidents of violence in the valley, there was also a mysterious attack on an Indian garrison stationed in Uri in the Occupied area in which, according to Indian sources, several Indian troops and all the four ‘terrorists’ were reportedly killed in the exchange of fire. The Indian government is once blaming the attack on Pakistan on flimsy grounds, such as the weapons and ammunition carried by the terrorists bore Pakistani marking.
Government of Pakistan Responses
Pakistan  has strongly denied the Indian allegations of tits involvement either in the mass protest in the occupied state or in the attack on the Indian garrison. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in his address to the UN General Assembly also denied the Indian charges, while at the same time supporting the Kashmiri people’s demand for their right to self-determination. He reiterated the call for the resolution of the Kashmir issue in accordance with the Security council resolution.
Not only Pakistan but a number of other bodies have also decreed the Indian atrocities in occupied Kashmir and called for an impartial investigation into the prevailing situation in the area.  
It is time that the Indian bluff is called to let the world know the real truth about Kashmir. International organizations and Human rights bodies including the OIC and the UN High Commissioner on Human Right have also been expressing their concern over the situation prevailing in occupied Kashmir and have called for a probe into the conditions prevailing there.  The Un High commissioner on Human Rights has also supported the demand for sending team to the Occupied Kashmir to investigate into the human Right violations by the Indian occupation troops there.
It is high time that the United Nations sends  a fact finding mission to Kashmir to probe into the charges against the Indian authorities and the occupation forces and submit its report to the world body to let the world know the truth about Kashmir and expose the brutalities being committed by the Indian occupation forces on helpless Kashmiris.

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